ethereum price
I'm going to show you the incredible price trajectory of a cryptocurrency we call ethereum price. And this is its chart for the last 7 days...let me repeat that...7 days! And you can see that from early on it's gone from about US$200-US$250 to well over US$400 just in the last week alone. Now that is crazy. It's a sign of what's happening in the ethereum price world. It's a bit of a boom, there's a lot of hype going on, there's a whole bunch of new investment and new money flowing in to the crypto world not just from people who have never invested.
before but also importantly from people who have been investing in bitcoin. At the moment there's been a bit of a debate about what's going to happen with the scaling situation with bitcoin and if it can reach the masses, and if it can be fast enough, and low cost enough for the world to accept it as a payment method. And so what that's seeing is that's seeing a little bit of money flow out of bitcoin.
and that's what's happening to the ethereum price. So it's exciting, we think longer term it could go even higher perhaps. I mean
there's a lot of risk involved but it's a new investment class, it's a new way of looking at markets, it's a new way of bringing in capital. Ethereum, which some people are calling "The Next Bitcoin" has a lot of potential long term so we're excited by this. It might look like a bubble, a lot of people are calling it a bubble, we don't think it's a bubble but we're going to cover it
Ethereum is an application programming platform so what can be built on ethereum is only limited by the creativity of their developers That said, such technology has three types of applications that immediately comes to mind The first are individual currencies. Imagine if you 're an artist
and you want to support yourself by issuing a brand new currency If you want to support this artist, you'd purchase that currency, technically investing in their own personal IPO. And as those millions of currencies are traded on decentralized exchanges currency itself becomes a representation of your values and not just a means of exchange,
ethereum price makes it straightforward to issue your own tokens of value so you can reward your users for actions that they take even outside of the network.
At the core of ethereum, you're going to find blockchain technology If you look at centralized applications, you'll find they reach trust by being closed firewalls and security teams that you have to trust, and trust to do their job well Blockchain technology on the other hand uses a different model, one by which trust can be reached on an open network Bitcoin is a currency that was the first and currently best-knownapplication of blockchain technology ethereum price make this technology applicable to just about anything else Anything that can be mathematically represented, can be modeled, secured and traded and just like in bitcoin, where you do not need to trust into a bank or a central authority to keep your funds safe on ethereum price, your personal information, your identity and your funds stay under your control at all times On ethereum, developers write business logic into what we call contracts Contract are programs that follow a series of steps every time they receive a message called a transaction Contracts can store data, send and receive transactions and even interact with other contracts independently of any control They are maintained by the network and they are written
in a programming language that will be instantly familiar to any developer Because the interfaces to the contracts that live onrs stay in control their funds.
ethereum price
Reviewed by mir khaleq ali
July 14, 2017

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